In the fast-paced, constantly-changing modern world, gaining and maintaining logistics
excellence demands more effort. The main objective of the study is to investigate the
moderating role of IT capabilities on digital innovation on operational resilience. Data
was collected and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS),
version number 29.0.2 of 2024. The study sampled 100 respondents to represent the
population using the convenience sampling technique. The findings of the study
indicate that digital innovation is very essential to operational resilience. Also, the
findings of the study show that IT capabilities have a positive and significant
relationship with digital innovation and operational resilience. In addition, the findings
of the study revealed that IT capabilities moderate the relationship between digital
innovation and operational resilience. The study recommends that firms formulate
policies that lays emphasis on strengthening digital innovation and IT capabilities, in
order to impact more positively on operational resilience
A Dissertation in the School of Business,
Submitted to the school of graduate studies,
in partial fulfilment of
the requirement for the award of
Master of Business Administration
(Procurement and Supply Chain Management)
in the University of Education, Winneba