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Factors influencing parental decisions on the choice of early childhood education facility for their wards a case study of parents in Zabzugu

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dc.contributor.author Abdul-Aziz, A.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-04-09T12:25:42Z
dc.date.available 2024-04-09T12:25:42Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.description A dissertation in the Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) in the University of Education, Winneba JULY, 2022 en_US
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the study is to examine the factors that influence parental decisions on the choice of early childhood facilities for their wards facilities in Zabzugu. The study adopted a quantitative research approach. In the study, objectives findings validated the results of the study because it was based on the actual findings from the field as the researcher remained distanced from the participants. The study also used the descriptive survey design, as it sought to establish and describe prevailing factors which influence parents to select early childhood facility. The design was suitable for this study given that it was able to identify key factors which influence parents to choose early childhood facility. Apart from reporting the current status, the collected data were used to determine whether and to what extent relationships exist between and among the variables considered in the study. The population of the study was fifty (50). This targeted population for the study comprised both parents and their wards. The results from a survey where there is a carefully selected sample will reflect very closely to the entire population. The sample for this study was fifty (50) participants. A stratified sampling technique was used to select the sample unit for the study. Parents were selected at their homes, sitting places/ work places, offices and school premises to answer the designed questionnaires distributed by the researcher and teachers. In all the population 50 parents in Zabzugu town were involved in the study. The purpose of validation is to find out the degree to which the measure is accurate for a specific purpose. Concerning the content validity of the questionnaire, the instrument was given to other experts in the area of the study, including the supervisor of this study for their perusal. Reliability of an instrument has to do with its consistency of measurement. Through a pilot study, a measure of item consistency was obtained. The instrument was self-administered to the targeted respondents. It was believed that the administration of the instrument by the researcher in person would result in more co-operation than if others were asked to collect the data. On the average, it took five minutes for a participant to fill the questionnaire. The questionnaires were collected on the spot after they had been filled. As a result, there was a hundred percent (100%) return rate. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Education, Winneba en_US
dc.subject Early childhood en_US
dc.subject Education facility en_US
dc.subject Parental decisions en_US
dc.title Factors influencing parental decisions on the choice of early childhood education facility for their wards a case study of parents in Zabzugu en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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