The study investigated the influence of In-service Training on Employees’ Commitment and Job
Performance. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the effects of in-service training on
employee job commitment and performance in GES; Unravel the ways by which in-service
training can influence employee job commitment and performance in GES, and find out the
challenges facing GES in organsing in-service training for employees and the way forward. The
study design was descriptive survey. The population of the study consisted of all employees of
Ghana Education Service constituted one hundred and forty-one (141) teachers of eleven public
schools, both Primary and Junior High Schools in Santasi Circuit in the Kumasi Metropolitan of
Ghana. The sample size for study was fifty-seven (57) participants (Teachers) were selected from
the population, and data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Pre-test yielded reliability test
of the main research, hence it was used for further study. In line with the findings of the study
INSET gave the employees knowledge, skills and abilities; enhanced core competencies at work,
improved effectiveness at work, improved efficiency and morale and increased the image of the
employees in the department in terms of commitment and performance. The study recommended
that, HR units should keep proper records on the performance of employees which must
periodically be communicated to them so as to know where and when training and development
programmes are required. Finally, objectives and standards of performance should be set for
trainees in all training programmes. This would enable trained staff to know whether they have
improved or not from the training they have received.
A Dissertation in the Department of Educational Leadership, Faculty of Education and
Communication Sciences, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, University of
Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for award of the Master of
Arts (Educational Leadership) degree