The study was conducted to investigate teachers’ perception on the practices and
challenges of supervision of teaching and learning in basic schools in the Mankranso
Circuit of the Ahafo Ano South West District. The objectives of the study were to
identify the types of supervision practiced, find out the perceptions of teachers, head
teachers and circuit supervisors on the importance of supervision and to establish the
challenges associated with supervision in basic schools in the Mankranso circuit.
The study adopted descriptive survey design using the questionnaire to collect data. The
target population was 441 head teachers and teachers in the Ahafo Ano South West
District. The accessible population was 52, comprising 3 head teachers, 48 teachers and
one circuit supervisors in the Mankranso Circuit. Census sampling was used to select
52 respondents for the study. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics. The
study found among others that schools in the study area practiced both external and
internal supervision. Also supervision took the forms of intensive inspection and
regular visits. Also, supervision contributed to continuous professional development of
teacher and enabled teachers to use variety of teaching techniques. The challenges
associated with supervision were perception of teachers towards supervision and
supervision as master-servant relations among. Based on the findings it is
recommended that the Ahafo Ano South West District Director of Education should
allocate adequate teaching and learning materials to supervisors for them to perform
effectively and efficiently to improve instruction.
A Dissertation in the Department of Educational Leadership, Faculty of
Education and Communication Sciences, submitted to the School of Graduate
Studies, University of Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for award of the Master of Arts (Educational Leadership) degree.