The Ghana school feeding program started in 2005 on a pilot study with one
school in each district of the country. Programs such as school feeding are believed to
be effective because of its ability to target a specific population which is vulnerable.
The research seeks to find out how the school feeding has impacted the educational
outcomes such as attendance, enrolment and performance in Ejisu Juaben
municipality. The study covered a select group of five schools comparing their
enrolment and attendance trends before and after school feeding program. These five
school were selected using convenient sampling Academic Performance in literacy
and numeracy of pupils in the five schools with school feeding were also compared
with pupils from three school not on the school feeding program. The study covered a
total of 240 pupils a third of which were from the non-school feeding schools. The
study found that school feeding had positively affected both attendance and
enrolment. The pupils on the school feeding program studied performed better on
both literacy and numeracy than those not on the school feeding program. On the
numeracy test the difference in performance was found to be significant . But require
further work using a bigger sample size and a longer study duration to be conclusive
on the impact of school feeding on the academic performance generally. It is
recommended that school management committee SMC should actively monitor and
provide feedback to the feeding program office as the quality and quantity of meals
given to pupils as it was observed in all the school visited the meals was either
insufficient or/and the quality substandard.
A Project Report in the Department of Educational Leadership, Faculty of
Education and Communication Sciences, submitted to the School of Graduate
Studies, University of Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for award of the Master of Arts (Educational Leadership) degree