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Modelling the antecedents and consequence of consumer switching behaviour in Ghanaian mobile telecommunication industry

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dc.contributor.author Nimako, S.G.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-12T12:31:09Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-12T12:31:09Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.description.abstract The paper proposed and empirically validated a theoretical model for explaining antecedents and consequence of consumer switching intentions in the mobile telecommunication service context. The proposed model was validated with data from 736 subscribers of six global providers of telecommunication services. Results indicate that the proposed model explains 59% of switching intentions; all antecedents under push, pull and three types of mooring effects significantly influence switching intentions. Switching intention was found to negatively affect loyalty and recommendation behaviour, but did not influence switching behaviour. The study provides theoretical extensions to the push-pull-mooring model of consumer switching. While the study is limited to the mobile telephony context, it offers a new theoretical model that enables marketing managers to fully conceptualise competing factors that affect consumer switching process. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. en_US
dc.subject Consumer switching en_US
dc.subject Push-pull-mooring theory en_US
dc.subject Relationship strength en_US
dc.subject RLS en_US
dc.subject Mobile number portability effects en_US
dc.subject Telecommunication service en_US
dc.subject Structural equation modelling en_US
dc.title Modelling the antecedents and consequence of consumer switching behaviour in Ghanaian mobile telecommunication industry en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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