UEWScholar Repository

Browsing Publications by Author "Lele S."

Browsing Publications by Author "Lele S."

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  • Martin M.A.; Sendra O.A.; Bastos A.; Bauer N.; Bertram C.; Blenckner T.; Bowen K.; Brando P.M.; Rudolph T.B.; B�chs M.; Bustamante M.; Chen D.; Cleugh H.; Dasgupta P.; Denton F.; Donges J.F.; Donkor F.K.; Duan H.; Duarte C.M.; Ebi K.L.; Edwards C.M.; Engel A.; Fisher E.; Fuss S.; Gaertner J.; Gettelman A.; Girardin C.A.J.; Golledge N.R.; Green J.F.; Grose M.R.; Hashizume M.; Hebden S.; Hepach H.; Hirota M.; Hsu H.-H.; Kojima S.; Lele S.; Lorek S.; Lotze H.K.; Matthews H.D.; McCauley D.; Mebratu D.; Mengis N.; Nolan R.H.; Pihl E.; Rahmstorf S.; Redman A.; Reid C.E.; Rockstr�m J.; Rogelj J.; Saunois M.; Sayer L.; Schlosser P.; Sioen G.B.; Spangenberg J.H.; Stammer D.; Sterner T.N.S.; Stevens N.; Thonicke K.; Tian H.; Winkelmann R.; Woodcock J. (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
    Non-technical summary We summarize some of the past year's most important findings within climate change-related research. New research has improved our understanding about the remaining options to achieve the Paris Agreement ...

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