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Browsing by Author "Hassan M.S."

Browsing by Author "Hassan M.S."

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  • Sarfo J.O.; Garc�a-Santill�n A.; Ansah E.W.; Adusei H.; Sarfo J.C.; Bastos R.V.S.; Donyeh P.S.; Molchanova V.S.; Drushlyak M.; Semenikhina O.; Zand S.; Enea V.; Malik S.; Ashraf F.; Malik N.I.; Wongcharee H.; Egara F.O.; Tipandjan A.; Azam U.; Hassan M.S.; Helmy M.; Vally Z.; Najafi R. (Academic Publishing House Researcher, 2022)
    This study aimed to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Anxiety Towards Mathematics Scale across four continents. We adopted and translated the original Spanish version of the 24-item Anxiety ...

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