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Collaborative disciplinary measures between teachers and pupils in improving academic performance: a case study of Mmofraturo girls’ school, Kumasi

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dc.contributor.author Kwenin, W.K.J,
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-11T09:43:45Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-11T09:43:45Z
dc.date.issued 2013-02
dc.identifier.issn Vol. III (LXV) No. 2/2013
dc.description.abstract Indiscipline in general adversely affects academic work and this has lead to a decline in academic performance of pupils in Junior Secondary Schools in Ghana. This study was conducted to assess the extent of indiscipline in Mmofraturo Girls’ School and its adverse effects on pupils’ academic performance so as to provide solutions. The study sample included pupils and teachers of the Junior Secondary School Department. The study used mixed method of data- observation, interviews, test items, examination records and questionnaires for teachers and pupils. Results showed that pupils’ misbehaviour included talking, lateness to class, absenteeism and rudeness. Others were eating in class, quarrelling, deliberate refusal to answer teachers’ questions, carelessness and inattention. With respect to teachers, laziness, lateness/absenteeism, poor teaching methods and unfriendliness were some common attributes. Other behavioural problems associated with teachers were discrimination, use of abusive language, flirting with pupils, improper dressing and lack of self-discipline. Varieties of interventions were employed to improve the situation. They included guidance and counseling, setting of rules and conduct in class, remedial tuition, adequate preparation by teachers before lessons, self discipline and use of polite words by teachers. There was a need for consistent in-service courses on classroom indiscipline in Junior Secondary Schools. Instituting a vibrant guidance and counseling unit in all Basic schools to deal with disciplinary problems was necessary en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Journal of Educational Science Psychology en_US
dc.subject Basic School en_US
dc.subject School discipline en_US
dc.subject Pupil’s performance en_US
dc.subject Guidance and counseling en_US
dc.title Collaborative disciplinary measures between teachers and pupils in improving academic performance: a case study of Mmofraturo girls’ school, Kumasi en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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