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Implications of conceptual and data complexities on time-series econometric applications in market integration analysis

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dc.contributor.author Abunyuwah, I
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-17T13:38:35Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-17T13:38:35Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.description Article en_US
dc.description.abstract This article demonstrates and highlights the conceptual limits of current empirical market integration (MI) time series models (threshold models) and their implications on market effi ciency and competitive equilibrium conclusions. The complexities and diversities that characterise the analysis of the concept of market integration are evaluated within the framework of Enke Samuelson-Takayama-Judge (ESTJ) spatial equilibrium theory. The effi ciency and competiveness implications drawn from MI models are limited by how the data generation process (DGP) is infl uenced by equilibrium conditions, by the tradability restrictions of the inter-markets relationships and by the presence of unobserved transactions costs. However, empirical appli cations scarcely address these limitations. Two sets of synthesized data with varying levels of non-linear complexity implied by alternating equilibrium conditions are generated to demonstrate conceptual limits of current threshold models in market integration analysis. Inconsistent conclusions that linear representations imply for threshold propagated DGP will also apply for conclusions derived from threshold models if markets are characterised by switching equilibria conditions. Keywords: market integration, switching equilibria, threshold models, transactions costs. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Published in Studies in Agricultural Economics en_US
dc.subject market integration en_US
dc.subject switching equilibria en_US
dc.subject threshold models en_US
dc.subject transactions costs en_US
dc.title Implications of conceptual and data complexities on time-series econometric applications in market integration analysis en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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